A Beginners Guide to Growing Your Own Fruits and Veg

A Beginners Guide to Growing Your Own Fruits and Veg

Growing your own garden can be a lot of fun and really fulfilling. Plus, it puts you in control over what you put on the table, and it also connects you with Mother Nature and gives you the opportunity to get outside in the sunshine for a while. But in addition to these benefits, growing your own produce is also a fantastic way to save a bit of money on your grocery bills.

If you are new to growing a garden, continue reading for some helpful tips for beginners.

Purchase the Right Gardening Tools

The right set of tools will make a world of difference when it comes to growing a lovely garden, and it will also make your life a lot easier. You’ll need:

  • Gardening gloves and a hat to protect you from the sun
  • A trowel
  • A Pitchfork
  • Shears
  • A Watering can or hose
  • A Rake
  • A Roundhead shovel
  • A Wheelbarrow

Choose Where You’ll Set Up Your Garden

Once you have all of your supplies, it is time to decide where you will grow your garden. You can purchase pots and put various fruits and vegetables individually in each pot, or you can build a raised bed to designate a veggie and fruit patch in your backyard, or you can go right into the ground if that suits you.

Prepare the Soil to Ensure It’s Healthy

The health of your soil will have a huge impact upon how well your fruits and vegetables grow, as well as how much food they produce. Therefore, take the time to be certain that your soil is ready to help your garden grow.

Start by aerating the soil in order to get plenty of oxygen to flow through it and to make it loose enough to support delicate root systems. Avoid dense soil that does not allow water to drain properly. You should also avoid soil that is too sandy. If you have to replace your existing soil, purchase organic varieties for fruits and veggies from a local garden store.

Remove any objects, such as rocks, that could also get in the way of the roots. And use organic matter, like compost that you can make yourself, to properly fertilize the soil and rejuvenate it.

Decide What You’d Like to Grow

There are so many different fruits and vegetables to choose from, but bear in mind that not all of them will grow in your area. Check what hardiness zone you reside in and then purchase only those plants that can thrive there. Otherwise, you’ll be very disappointed when your plants don’t produce and they end up dying because of inadequate conditions. And if you want the healthiest options, purchase organic varieties of seeds and baby plants.

As soon as your garden is blooming and you are able to harvest some of your delicious food, invite your friends and family over for a fresh meal they won’t forget. And don’t be surprised if they begin purchasing gardening gifts for you from sites like Glut.co.uk to keep your gardening hobby going strong!